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Ibiza Cathedral

Ibiza Cathedral

The agreement signed in 1234 by Guillermo de Montgrí, Pedro de Portugal, and Nunó Sanç, future conquerors of the Pityusic Islands, set the construction of a parish dedicated to Santa María in the city of Ibiza as one of their first obligations. This parish became a reality, once the conquest was settled, on August 8, 1235. At first, it was located in an existing building, a Muslim mosque, perhaps, that had been adapted to the Christian cult, but this fact has not been proven despite the important archeological research carried out.

The available data shows that this preexisting building was extended on the east side by adding an ensemble formed by the trapezoidal-plan bell tower, and the polygonal apse with five chapels. It is a quite solid construction of Classic Gothic style built in the 14th century. Furthermore, a prominent feature of this bell tower is the important bell collection of the 16th and 17th centuries, restored recently by the Ministry of Heritage. It is considered by pundits as one of the most relevant within its genre.

We know that in 1435, the church had five chapels dedicated to Saint James and Saint Michael, Saint Thecla and Saint Anthony, Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist, and Saint Peter and Saint Paul. A new nave was built at the end of the 15th century, concluding the deep chapel, made by Els Francolins in 1538. During the 18th century, the poor conditions of the church, specially the roof, were used as a reason to refurbish the building. The works were directed by Jaume Espinosa and Pere Ferro obrers de la vila. These reforms were carried out between 1715 and 1728.

In 1782, Pope Pius VI established the Episcopal see of Ibiza, and the reformed medieval church became the cathedral that would remain as part of Tarragona's diocese, as it had happened when it was a church, due to the connection of the old conquerors. The cathedral still holds numerous pieces of art, amongst which we can highlight a golden silver Gothic monstrance, made by Francesc Martí in 1399, two Gothic panels of Saint Thecla and Saint Anthony, painted by Francesc Comes in the 14th century, and two other, in this case from the 15th century, representing Saint James and Saint Matthias, painted by master Valentí Montoliu.


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Fomento del Turismo de la isla de Ibiza

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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza (Island of Ibiza Tourism Development) is an association founded by a group of forward-looking people who set themselves the task of stimulating, promoting and developing the island's budding tourist industry.