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Estación marítima s/n


Baleària is the only ferry operator in Spain that connects the four Balearic Islands to mainland Spain, as well as providing daily sailings between them. The company also currently operates in the Strait of Gibraltar.

Baleària’s expansion policy shows that it is a company committed to protecting the environment. For this reason, the company has taken four new ro-pax ferries, which Baleària as a result of the development of pioneer R+D+i programmes has led to the creation of these state of the art ferries which will be more environmentally sustainable, whilst simultaneously providing the best on board services.

The company has always been characterised by continuous growth and its zeal for modernization of the fleet. This strategy has enabled the shipping company to currently have a fleet of 15 ships. As well as being one of the most sustainable forms of transport, taking the ferry enables passengers to move from the centre of one city to another, as well as providing the option of taking your own vehicle on board. 





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Fomento del Turismo de la isla de Ibiza

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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza (Island of Ibiza Tourism Development) is an association founded by a group of forward-looking people who set themselves the task of stimulating, promoting and developing the island's budding tourist industry.